Your customer is the donor, thus donor service is a universal challenge and a universal opportunity. By differentiating yourselves and playing a vital role in 'donor service' is important, as competition is fierce and the cost of acquiring new ‘donors’ is spiraling. The inexperience of building a highly cost-effective long-term relationship with donors, beneficiaries, campaigners and volunteers to bring long-term mutual benefit is a set-back organisation's fail to grasp. The challenging part is trying to adapt traditional donor service programs for use in an environment where profit is not the most important goal.
Roibis’ skilled Associates understand the importance of donors. With a wealth of donor/customer relationship management experience gained in the commercial and not-for-profit sectors, their insight, understanding and personable approach will help you transform your approach to your donors. Roibis has developed a Donor Service Excellence model that will work to achieve the last differentiator in your organisation: long-term, loyal donor relationshps. Roibis’ tailored package of tools and consultancy, offers you everything you need to transform the way you think about donors and the ways you plan to meet their needs.
An understanding of best donor service practice.
Improvement in donor service.
Team inspried and equipped with best donor service practice.
A balanced blend of learning and consultancy suited to your organisation.
Step-change in donor service through mapping and review tools.
How Can We Help You?
To discuss how we can help your business achieve true results, please

We serve our Clients worldwide. We work together as one organisation to serve our Clients where ever they need us.
Roibis’s bespoke 'Donor Service Execellence' model tailored uniqurely to you, will transform your customer service processes, teams and culture.
Our Associates will work with you to identify the right package of consultancy and training to address your specific challenges in inspiring your team.
Donors' loyalty will be improved with our knowledge of 'best practice' to drive doonor service standards and supporter satisfaction levels.
The right mix of training and one-to-one mentoring will help your donorservice team to become leading advocates for your work and a key reason to support your organisation.

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