Market Challenges
Market challenges is something not-for-profits are starting to consider due to the current economic challenges facing them. Yet organisations are imitating what has already or is being done and are forgetting to concentrate on their resources and activities and what makes them different. Adapting to evolving circumstances are forcing not-for-profits to change their organisational structures, business models and services significantly. Addressing these issues requires expertise and experience. Aquiring a new type of valuable income source known as social return on investment (SROI) seeks social benefit in addition to a financial return. However, organisations fail to measure social value with consistency.
How Can We Help You?
To discuss how we can help your business achieve true results, please

Work with you to understand your place in the sector and establish your most advantageous positioning. Help you identify your most 'funding-friendly' programmes and promote them cost-effectively.
Tools to identify your special capabilities and the resources you need to attract funding and support.
We will help support your new initiatives by recommendaing what you may need to do to ensure your organisation is ready to drive and support the new development to success.
Roibis's Social Investment toolkit will help you win investment.
We can work with you to define what you want to achieve and design a sustainable organisational model to deliver your plans. Or we can diagnose any gaps in your systems and processes to ensure your organisation is ‘investment ready’.
We will reinforce your systems, planning and processes, diagnosing any possible gaps, identify the best funding options and help apply for funding and demonstrate you as a sound social and financial investment.
We serve our Clients worldwide. We work together as one organisation to serve our Clients where ever they need us.
Draw out your special capabilities, position your organisation in the market and wider market place for maximum effectiveness.
Guide you with everything you need to achieve your strategy and aims.
Tools to identify your best offering and the 'campaign' that is most likely to attract funds, attention and support.
Guide you with the required internal developments.
Good change management practice applied to the plan, helping you to avoid common pitfalls with support in delivering specific areas of change.
'Nip in the bud' difficult issues that can be steered through a sounding board.
Practical SROI tools to help you become ready and clearly demonstrate it.
A rigorous gap analysis to attract investment through
development, planning and projections.
Identifying the right SROI route and support you in applying for funding.
We can help you understand where you fit in the not-for-profit sector and the wider market place, help you identify your unique capabilities and give you all the resources you need to compete for market share, profile and influence. We will position you to achieve your aims. Preparing you for new ways of working and how best to ensure it succeeds from transition to new business models. Roibis's experienced consultants have developed an SROI toolkit to help you devise your own unique roadmap to investment success. We will identify the sources of funding best suited to your organisation and help you access investment.
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